freedom from addiction

Last night as I was laying in my bed watching TV, I saw one debate regarding drug addiction and suddenly it came to my mind to write about addiction, types of addiction and how we can get rid of it. In the beginning we have to understand what is addiction.
There are two types of addictions

1. Substance addiction
2. Behavioral addiction

What is addiction?

Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequence. 

People with addiction have an intense focus on using a certain substance(s), such as alcohol or drugs, to the point that it takes over their life. They keep using alcohol or a drug even when they know it will cause problems. 

In an other definition it is said 

Addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity, or substance, even though it is causing psychological and physical harm.

The term addiction does not only refer to dependence on substances such as heroin or cocaine. A person who cannot stop taking a particular drug or chemical has substance dependence.

There are so many people who are working on this type of addiction but today I am going to talk about about behavioral addiction such as gambling, eating too much, sleeping, nail biting and so many.

What is behavior addiction?

Behavioral addiction is a mental health condition in which a person engages in a particular behavior repeatedly; even if the behavior causes them harm—it may seem as if they simply cannot resist engaging in it. Common behavioral addictions—also known as process addictions—include gambling addiction, shopping addiction, hoarding, and kleptomania (impulsive stealing). While the compulsivity associated with behavioral addictions may seem uncontrollable, treatment options are available to those who suffer from them.

Several behavioral addictions have been hypothesized as having similarities to substance addiction. Many of the time we are addicted to some thing but we are not willing to admit as some people are addicted to computer games such as pubjee, some are addicted to nail biting, some are addicted to smell, some are addicted to shopping etc

The question arises that why do we involve in behavioral addiction?

The reasons are the as following

1. Recurrent failure to resist the behavior

2. Increased sense of tension or arousal prior to involvement

3. Pleasure while experiencing the behavior

4. Feeling of remorse and guilt over doing the behavior

5. Genetics

People try to do addiction until or unless they get pleasure or excitement to feel normal. During this period a person has a severe mood change. As parents or an important member of the society we should look for these behavioral addictions to bring people back to normal. Bring people more towards PRAYER because the prayer can save from all types of addictions as addiction basically leads us away from God.
There could be five ways to keep us away from all types of addiction

  1. Never begin something sinful that can lead to addiction
  2. Get into a right relationship with God so He can help you
  3. forgive yourself
  4. Replace the addiction with good things
  5. Have someone you can confide in for help


If you have any doubt, please let me know

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